Notes on South African Companies Act Third Edition E-Book
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Editor in Chief: Advocate Leigh Hefer (B.Sc. (Hons), LL.B (cum laude), LL.M (magna cum laude), Ph.D.
Chapters in the book:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Purposes of the Companies Act
Chapter 3: Categorisation of Companies
Chapter 4: Company Formation, Registration, Constitution (Memorandum of Incorporation), Rules, Shareholders Agreements and Ring-fenced Companies
Chapter 5: Company Name, Registered Office, Company Records and Company Conversions
Chapter 6: Control
Chapter 7: Company Finance and Capital
Chapter 8: Securities Registration and Transfer
Chapter 9: Public Offerings of Company Securities
Chapter 10: Shareholders
Chapter 11: Directors
Chapter 12: Accounting Records, Financial Statements, Financial Reporting Standards, Audit and Independent Review
Chapter 13: The Independent Accounting Professional, the Auditor, Reporting Standards and the New Auditors Report
Chapter 14: Enhanced Accountability and Transparency
Chapter 15: Business Rescue
Chapter 16: Winding-up of Solvent and Insolvent Companies and Deregistration
Chapter 17: Electronic Signatures, Communication and Substantial Compliance
Chapter 18: Remedies and Enforcement
Chapter 19: Fundamental Transactions, Takeovers and Offers
Chapter 20: Sanctions and Offences
Chapter 21: Leniency regarding Governance for Profit Companies
Chapter 22: Close Corporations
Third Edition Special Features include:
- King IV (TM) Commentaries and Applications
- King IV (TM) and Board Committees
- The IRBA Code 2017 Revised Commentaries
- Guidelines on interpreting key sections and regulations
- Examples of practical applications
- Explanation of key definitions and concepts
- Detailed commentary on principal sections and regulations
- New Companies Act versus Close Corporations Act comparative table
- Auditing Profession Act 2005 versus Companies Act 2008 comparative table
- Free directors duties checklist
- Free compliance checklist
- Alterable provisions of the Companies Act explained
- Companies Act Compliance Framework
- Companies and Close Corporations required to be audited or independently reviewed
- Types of of Shareholders Ordinary Resolutions
- Types of Shareholders Special Resolutions
- Board Resolutions Decision Tree
- Types of Board Committees
- Accounting Records, Financial Statements and Annual Financial Statements comparative table
- Offences under the 1973 Companies Act versus 2008 Companies Act comparative table
- JSE Listing Requirements and the 2008 Companies Act
- Application of the Solvency and Liquidity Test for Companies
PLUS the Integrated and Consolidated Companies Act, 71 of 2008 and amendments from the Companies Amendment Act, 3 of 2011 and Companies Regulations

3rd Edition | |
B5 Size | |
~ 1100 Pages |